- Dataset Awareness · Issue #173 · cognitedata/cognite-replicator (github.com)
We have discovered that when using Cognite Replicator, our source Project has dataset id's set, but in the target Project all dataset id's are null. Please add support for replicating datasets and setting dataset id's on all entities to the replicator.
The workaround we will be operating on in the meantime is to run a script afterward to copy the Datasets and set the dataset id's.
- Add Support For Mapping of Annotations · Issue #174 · cognitedata/cognite-replicator (github.com)
Annotations are stored in Cognite as events of type
. There are sometimes id values in metadata fieldsCDF_ANNOTATION_resource_id
that we have seen. We depend on these id's being correct to show the list of files applicable to an asset or other entities. When these events are being replicated to the target project, the id's are not being updated with the target id.Please add support for contextualization annotations in the replicator. Thanks!
Gathering Interest
Cognite Data Fusion: Add Dataset and Contextualization Annotation Support to Cognite Replicator
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