Charts: Ability to easy delete multiple time series from Chart at once

Related products: Charts

As a Charts user, I would like the ability to easily select all of the time series with a check box of some sort and then delete all that I’ve selected, rather than having to delete one at a time. 

As an example, I duplicated someone’s public chart and wanted to replace the time series that feed into the calculation with different tags. There were a lot of variables, so it took a long time removing each time series that needed to be replaced by having to go one by one. 

@Anita Hæhre I forgot to tag “Celanese”, would you mind adding it?

@Marcela Young sure, done!

Hi, Marcela. 

Thank you for this feedback. I understand that when you need to delete a larger volume of tags it is a bit cumbersome. I'll set this idea to gathering interest, and we'll look at ways of making it better. 

Cc @Magdalena Rut @Arun Arunachalam 

Best regards, Knut 

NewGathering Interest