Extractor Pipeline Monitoring with CDF Project Replicator

Related products: Extractors

Most customers find our Cognite Data Fusion project replicator invaluable as a way to transfer data between environments, in other situations customers are sharing data with Vendors or Operators with this replicator. However, when bugs or issues occur with the data replicator or with data being replicated, there is no way way to get monitoring and notifications if these issues. There is SDK functionality for extractor pipeline monitoring that can solve these issues, 

My request is that the Replicator be updated to include the extractor pipeline monitoring features giving all customers the ability to monitor data ingestion into Cognite Data Fusion from another Cognite Data Fusion project. 

Hi @Taylor Zwick ,

Thank you for this insight. We are tracking and processing the product idea separately, but expect this hub post to be updated occasionally as we learn more and decide whether to include this in our future product roadmap. The current responsible PM for this area - @Elka Sierra - will keep you updated as the idea makes its way through our process.

Hi @Taylor Zwick 
Replicator is not a product but an open source in which some members of the Global Delivery team had contributed in the past. It is not possible to effectively add extractor pipeline functionality to it. Therefore this ticket is won’t do from Product side.

I know the Global Delivery team has been considering the idea to add a service for replication, but I will let them to provide more information in that regards. @Christian Flasshoff @Gaetan Helness is there anything you would like to add here? 

Thanks and regards
