How to controll Spot's walking speed in inRobot?

Related products: InRobot

We trying to use Spot with inRobot in our factory test field.
For our company's safety rules regulation and  in the event of a collision with an obstacle or person, we need to limit Spot’s walking speed to 1.0m/s.

When we use Spot with Inrobot's Mission, it automatically walks at its maximum speed (1.6 m/s) and I feel it is dangerous.
So we would like you to implement a function to control Spot's walking speed in inRobot.

Ishikawa, Thank you for reaching out! We have gotten the feedback before, and are looking into a way we can configure mission parameters such as walking speed and collision avoidance distance etc. The timeline for this is after summer, so Q3. Will keep you updated on the timeline. 

@Elias Treis , I believe you have also requested this? 

Hi @Ishikawa Hiroaki thank you so much for sharing! I've taken the liberty of moving your post to our dedicated Product Ideas section. This will allow other community members to easily find and upvote on your suggestion. Thank you once again for sharing!

Hi @Elias Bjørne  @Anita Hæhre 

Thank you for your response !
I look forward to the improvements this function 

NewGathering Interest

@Elias Bjørne 

The timeline for this is after summer, so Q3. 

Please tell me about this statement. In Japan, 3Q means October to December, while in the US it usually means July to September. In the case of this answer, when “3Q” mean?

If you know when dose this function deploy ,please let me know .

Hi, sorry for late reply, In our timeline we should have something before December, I will let you know as soon as we have a version where this is solved!