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Interactive Engineering Diagram Improvements: Navigating Results and Rejecting Unwanted Annotations in Bulk

Related products:Contextualization
  • rsiddha
  • Harsha
  • adeel
  • Joanna Wiedmann
  • Andre Alves
    Andre Alves
  • Diego Antonino
    Diego Antonino

After contextualizing a batch of files using Interactive Engineering Diagrams (UI), the user is directed to a ‘Review results’ dashboard, but the unsorted list of files in the left-hand pane is not easy to navigate. A simple sorting function would help compared to the open search that is currently available. Additionally, once the user navigates away from the ‘Review results’ dashboard and then returns later, the dashboard is not available and the ‘Diagrams pending approval’ view is not nearly as user-friendly. There should be a way to step back into the ‘Review results’ dashboard. Additionally, when the model recognizes false positives on the files, it would save hours of time to be able to multi-select unwanted tags/annotations and reject them. Currently, we have to do this one by one and confirm we want to reject the tag each time which adds A LOT of clicks.

4 replies

Anita Hæhre
Seasoned Practitioner
  • Head of Academy and Community
  • 590 replies
  • July 4, 2023
NewGathering Interest


I have added your feedback to our backlog. Reviewing results manually might not scale so well to begin with, so it is important to be able to pick it up later, or distribute it. This might require some bigger structural changes eventually.

I am interested in examples of false positives. It could be that we can get rid of more of them by improving the backend than e.g. by enabling selecting multiple annotations for rejection to speed up that process.

  • Author
  • Committed
  • 2 replies
  • July 7, 2023

The false positives often exist where Equipment tags occur in the revision table at the bottom of the P&ID file or on the far left/right margins of the page as referenced in off-page connectors. The detection is technically working as expected, but we still need to remove these unwanted annotations before the file is fully approved. Can you prioritize removing annotations in bulk (i.e., multi-select)?

Elka Sierra

Thank you for the feedback. This feature is on our radar, but due to current priorities, it won't be addressed in the coming months. I will add it to our long-term roadmap and prioritize it as soon as it aligns with our development schedule.

Thank and regards,
Elka Sierra


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