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Cognite Infield: Offline mode to allow for manual timestamp entry

Related products:InField
Anita Hæhre
  • Anita Hæhre
    Anita Hæhre

Cognite Infield offline mode should allow for manual entry of date/time stamp. At present it seems to take the timestamp of when the connection is back online. Which may result in multiple values for the same time stamp especially if the network connectivity is lost for longer than the checklist usage frequency.

3 replies


Thanks @rsiddha - will bring this feedback into our “internet connection” discovery work. 

  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • 223 replies
  • January 17, 2023
NewGathering Interest

Also, if a user makes an entry in a checklist (In InField) and closes the checklist, then realizes that a mistake was made (for instance fumble fingered an extra digit), re-opens the checklist and and corrects the value, the timestamp advances all of the entries on that checklist to “now” which is then incorrect.  Please allow the user to make corrections to data without changing the original timestamp. The user should also be able to mannually select a timestamp in the past if needed.  This would also apply if there was a network outage and the checklist was done on paper to be entered when the network connection is restored.


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