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Does number of timeseries impact API performance

  • 23 February 2023
  • 1 reply

I might need to create 100,000s - 1,000,000 of individual timeseries. I would like to understand if the number of timeseries impacts the API performance. e.g. retrieving data points for 1 of the timeseries. Would the API response be similar if I had 100 or 1 million timeseries?

Also is there a maximum number of timeseries that can be created per CDF project?

Hi @Stuart Armstrong and thanks for reaching out!

We would not expect to see any real and notable performance hit due to the number of time series in existence for a project when you do a data point retrieval (or metadata retrieval) for a specific time series using the Time Series API.

If there is a performance hit, it is most likely going to be very minor and because the # of time series affects our ability to keep the cache(s) current for that specific time series at the time you’re reading it (probabilities).

Hope that helps!
