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Azure pipeline failure

  • 15 March 2023
  • 1 reply


Hi Team,


I am facing some issues while using the above pipeline.yaml  file setup which is suggeted by cdf team before, 

i am getting validation error, even after passing all mandatory fields.

Could you please help me doing the devops setup so that i can understand the process.

Please set up a call to work on this issue as it is impacting deliverables.



Nidhi N G

Best answer by Carin Meems

Hi @N G Nidhi ,

I will create a Support ticket, so our team can follow up and help you.

Best regards,

View original

  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • March 15, 2023

Hi @N G Nidhi ,

I will create a Support ticket, so our team can follow up and help you.

Best regards,


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