We are pleased to announce the beta availability of the Cognite Data Fusion Toolkit for project configuration management from the command line and DevOps pipelines.
The toolkit comes bundled with validated project templates that can be installed in your CDF project. The main template for the beta version is an out of the box configuration for Infield 2.0 and Asset Performance Management use cases. It is also useful as a starting point for many other use cases, as it is configures an asset pipeline to ingest asset data from an asset source system into CDF’s classic asset hierarchy as well as into the new data modelling store. The template comes bundled with the Asset Performance Management data models used by Infield, as well as the necessary access control and other CDF configurations necessary for a default single-location deployment of Infield. You can also choose to install sample data that will give you a fully working Infield 2.0 out of the box starting from an empty project!
The toolkit can also be used to create your own template configurations, both the expand bundled templates or start from scratch.
Get started right away with simple getting started instructions at https://developer.cognite.com/sdks/toolkit/
The step-by-step guide for Infield can be found at https://developer.cognite.com/sdks/toolkit/infield_step_by_step
Disclaimer! In the beta period, we ask you to be careful when using the toolkit on a live production project and ensure that you know what is going to be done to existing configurations and data. Administrating a CDF project with full access rights with a powerful tool like the CDF Toolkit opens up the possibilities of accidental deletes, and although we have invested a lot of time in transparency and protection mechanisms, it is important to understand that you sit in the driving seat and you need to understand what the tool is going to do on your project.
We would love to get feedback on how to improve the usability and robustness of the toolkit, as well as what you would like to see in future templates. Toward General Availability, we will focus on the life-cycle aspects of managing project configurations and in particular migrations, upgrades, and change management.