We have a RDF-model based on CIM that we have imported to CDF Data Model via Neat. We are experimenting with Pygen. We are happy about both NEAT and Pygen and looking forward to explore further.
The names of the attributes of the dataclasses becomemes long with pygen and the CIM-naming convension.
Example 1:
- Model: cim:IdentifiedObject.name
- pygen: identified_object_name
- proposed pygen short: name
Example 2:
- Model: nek:NEKACLineSegment.wireSegmentKind
- pygen: nekac_line_segment_wire_segment_kind
- proposed pygen short: wire_segment_kind
- Model. namespace:ClassName.attrName
- pygen: class_name_attr_name
- proposed pygen short: attr_name
Is it possible to add an option in pygen to genreate short attributes? The rule would be to only the string followed by the . (dot )
I’m also interested in discussing other solutions with you. One options is ofc to change the names in the model, but then we are not conforming to CIM…