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I used the yaml file in NEAT to load the workflows. I used the xls rules file and rdf.xml file as entry files.

I successfully run the first 3 workflows - meaning that graph data as nodes was uploaded to CDF.

Issue: In CDF when checking the data of the new data model, errors are popping out saying that “property cannot be read”.

what could be the problem?


FYI: cognite-neat==0.77.8

All context files are in the attached zip.

Best regards,


Thanks for reporting @Gligor .

I have looked through the files you kindly provided. The rules files seems to not have any classes or properties. If you also could provide a screenshot of the CDF UI that would be helpful to diagnose the problem.

Note, I recommend you go to the latest version of neat 0.88.2. 

Hi Andreas,

The empty rules file is the input for the first workflow, where the resulted file will be a populated rules file.

I uploaded the YAML file to the last version of NEAT 0.88.2 but the workflows get altered due some missing components in the new version. 

After running all 3 workflows → 9 nodes are uploaded to CDF, but I cannot see any in the data.



Thanks @Gligor. I am away for this and next week, but will look into this when I am back.

@Gligor , as reported in the email , you have an ill formed RDF graph.

I've checked your RDF file, one thing I noticed is that instances of Location have property Location.CoordinateSystem, which points to a node that does not exist in the provided RDF file.

This can cause issues. 

Graph needs to be well formed prior uploading. If you can fix graph, meaning make sure properties point to nodes that exist, that would be great.

Hi @Nikola Vasiljevic , 

Is it true that rdf file may be corrupted because it was involved in an anonymization process.

Thank you for pointing out the issue.




@Gligor this was great discovery, as we are now introduce handling such edge cases in neat.
We now have warning implemented.
