A few highlights of the changes from the last stable release.
- Support for new resources: HostedExtractors, CogniteFile, Sequence, Robotics, 3DModel, Asset, and LocationFilter
- New command cdf modules. This has the subcommand init, add , list and upgrade, and replaces the former cdf-tk init command.
- The cdf modules init gives you a guided experience to select new modules.
- The cdf modules add enables you to your existing setup.
- The cdf modules upgrade automatically upgrades your modules to match the Toolkit CLI version.
- The cdf modules list enables you to get an overview over the modules you have.
- The cdf auth has been reworked into cdf auth init and cdf auth verify. This gives you a more guided experience to setup the required service principal required to run Toolkit.
- Device login - easier and more secure replacement for interactive login.
- Toolkit is now also released as a Docker Image: docker hub.
- New command cdf repo with currently one subcommand cdf repo init. This creates default GitHub workflows for running Toolkit in GitHub Actions using the new Docker image.
- Change: We have replaced _system.yaml with cdf.toml. This is to enable easier configuration of Toolkit, such that you can set default values, easily enable plugins for your project.
- A few new modules as well InRobot and Bootcamp.
- In addition, Toolkit now comes with a ready to extend version of the Core Model!
For a full changelog check the release notes.