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We would like to have the ability to:

  • Import directly from CDF to a geodatabase hosted in MS SQL Server


  • Have the ability to view vector points, lines and polygons within ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online, with the ability to view and query the attribute tables, and modify symbology
  • Have the ability to view such data in a web map either directly from a service or publish our own feature services

A WFS may be suitable, but we would have to check with a sample service first.

Can you help please?



Hi @Tim Hudson the team will work with you on your above requests in the below thread so I’ll go a head and close this question:) @Elka Sierra @gedi @Abul Fahimuddin FYI


Hi @Tim Hudson ,


have you seen this message from your coworker? We’re still waiting for response on that one and it would be great if you could synthesize your needs. 



Hi @gedi,

@esgrim has forwarded all messages to me, I am not aware of any further outstanding messages.

Can you clarify what I should be responding to please?



Apologies from my side @Tim Hudson, I’ve not checked the IDEA post that Espen Grimstad has posted 1 month ago, where you have made a comment T-6 hours ago.

Is it correct to conclude that at the moment you’re the single-point-of-contact/SPOC at PGS with respect with this ARCgis-CDF connector? 

By the end of this week we should give more details what/how we can address this or at least reach out for the meeting to review the details. 

Regards, Gedi


Has there been progress on GIS integration, specifically an ArcGIS extractor? This has come up twice with recently and I’d like to know what’s available or if it’s something that might be available soon.

Doesn’t seem that there is any drive to do this.
