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state for OPC-UA extractor

Hi There,

How do you configure the state of OPC-UA extractor in the Raw layer?

I know that you can do it through various types of state stores including InfluxDB or local, but I have a dataset and a table in the Staging area which I would like to get populated.

Thanks in advance!

Best answer by Viraj Dhanusha

Hi Ghassan, 

I’m Viraj from Support and I am not sure whether I understood your question correctly.

But the state store is defined as a local LiteDb database or a table in CDF RAW that stores various persistent information between runs.
It can be used as a replacement of the potential process of reading first/last data points from CDF, and also allow storing first/last times for events.

This is a guide how to use the state-store in the OPCUA extractor :

Refer to this guide and if you have questions about it, please contact Cognite support via

Best regards, 


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Hi Ghassan, 

I’m Viraj from Support and I am not sure whether I understood your question correctly.

But the state store is defined as a local LiteDb database or a table in CDF RAW that stores various persistent information between runs.
It can be used as a replacement of the potential process of reading first/last data points from CDF, and also allow storing first/last times for events.

This is a guide how to use the state-store in the OPCUA extractor :

Refer to this guide and if you have questions about it, please contact Cognite support via

Best regards, 


  • Committed
  • November 29, 2023

Thanks Viraj,

I am now able to follow the guide and correctly setup the Raw state store.

Best regards,



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