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MQTT Extractor

I am trying to connect to an MQTT broker with Cognite’s MQTT Extractor.

I know that the broker is fully functional, verified by several tools.

However, when completing the “Add MQTT Topic”.

Error code indicates that the API does not accept “Datapoints” as “Target type”, even though “Target type” is a mandatory field in the interface window. And: “Datapoints” is the only available selection.

Any quick feedback to progress my testing is appreaciated!


Best answer by Carin Meems

From my understanding this issue has been sorted out directly with you, @Erling Johannessen . I am closing the thread for now. 

View original

Elka Sierra

Hi @Erling Johannessen thanks for testing the MQTT extractor. This is a bug in the UI that we will address as soon as possible (I already created an internal ticket for following up). 
 In case you are using the API directly, it is possible to remove the “target type” and continue the testing. 

Best Regards


Hello @Erling Johannessen , 

The team has taken a closer look at this behaviour. Can you please confirm where you see this error, and what version of the Extractor you are using?

In the recent versions of the UI, and the API, we were unable to re-create the issue. 

Thank you, 


  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • August 9, 2023

Hi @Erling Johannessen, do you need any further help from us?

I am at this web-site when setting up the MQTT Extractor:

How can I retrieve the extractor version?




Hi Erling, 

MQTT Support for the Hosted Extractors service will have a Beta release shortly. As such, the UI may have changed, or been updated to prepare for this release. 

Can you please go through the UI flow, and confirm if you still see this error? If you do, screenshots would be much appreciated, and helpful. At the moment, we are unable to recreate this error. 

Thank you, 


I have an ongoing dialogue with Pål Rønning. Are you perhaps co-operating with him on this?

An online test session would be appreciated.

I can be reached at

Thank you for the reply - I will reach out to Pål. Can you please confirm if the original UI issue noted is still seen, or is this mitigated now?

  • Seasoned Practitioner
  • September 20, 2023

From my understanding this issue has been sorted out directly with you, @Erling Johannessen . I am closing the thread for now. 


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