While trying to setup the Google - colab for CDF environment and authentication, i am getting an error. Unable to trace the rootcause of this error. This code is a part of Notebook setup given in the Hands-On course
Link to notebook - Data processing and analysis for IDA course.ipynb - Colaboratory (google.com)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)Cell In 2], line 57 55 def get_token(): 56 return authenticate_device_code(app)a'access_token']---> 57 client = CogniteClient( 58 ## token_url=f'{AUTHORITY_URI}/v2.0', 59 token=get_token, 60 token_client_id=CLIENT_ID, 61 project=COGNITE_PROJECT, 62 base_url=f'https://{CDF_CLUSTER}.cognitedata.com', 63 client_name='cognite-python-dev', 64 ) 65 print(client.iam.token.inspect())TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'token'