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Do you have processes where data available could be a game changer?

Hi Community! 

I’m Anette Holtedahl, Senior Vice President Industry Applications at Cognite. My team is passionate about creating software that does magic. Our mission is to improve the everyday work for users and equip you with solutions that enable you to make a greater impact: whether that be in the field, the control room, or in a production facility. 

You are the main character in our mission, and whether you want to work safer, more efficiently, collaborate better, or become more sustainable, we in the application teams work dedicated to enable teams achieve more or avoid human mistakes. 


One example of an application that does this, is InField. InField takes advantage of contextualized data from CDF. With iterative product development we could verify how to optimize the functionality to fit with the core users working with operations and maintenance tasks in oil & gas operations. Last module we launched was support for Routine rounds and the adoption has been incredible - also for roles that were not in the core user group because the application provides information for decisions that were either locked into separate silos or not digital available at all. 


No solution is magic without users applying it to a process and taking out the value. InField has proven the value of data and the magic of Cognite software, and I look forward to seeing more adoption going forward. 

I’m eager to hear from you:

Do you have the relevant data available for your processes?
Where are the new places where data available can be a game changer?

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