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working with cdf

  • 9 February 2023
  • 1 reply


Hi, can we load public data from cdf into mySQL

Best answer by judekumar87

Hi Usha,

According to my knowledge one way you can achieve this is using our Python SDK. It is a two step process. You need to have a read access to public data using which who can get the data from CDF. Then you can write the data back to whatever database you want using the appropriate connectors.

You have to write  a python script which does the above both.

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  • Answer
  • February 10, 2023

Hi Usha,

According to my knowledge one way you can achieve this is using our Python SDK. It is a two step process. You need to have a read access to public data using which who can get the data from CDF. Then you can write the data back to whatever database you want using the appropriate connectors.

You have to write  a python script which does the above both.


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