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Neptune Energy: How the pilot enabled collaborative environment in digital well planning

  • 30 August 2021
  • 1 reply


Hi, my name is Kine Årdal, and I have the privilege of being the Customer success manager for Neptune Energy. I’d like to share experiences from our latest project, and hoping to get feedback and hear about similar experiences from you in the community. The project kicked off in April, as a12-weeks proof of concept, where we enabled a collaborative environment with seamless data flow of key well data for well planning.

Current workflow: In the current well planning workflow, it is challenging to share data efficiently and reliably across disciplines and collaboration partners. There is no central storage of drilling and well data ready for a digital way of working, and data is often stored in silos. In addition, the collaboration with vendors often relies on manual exports/imports, sharing data on e-mails/ftp, which leads to e.g. unnecessary time spent waiting for data, duplication of data and a challenge to keep track of versions.

Result: In this project, the initial Neptune well data model was established in CDF using selected data in the well planning process. We collaborated with three Engineering Toolkit vendors (OliaSoft, ProWellPlan and Schlumberger) to enable the seamless data flow. The data was ingested from the eRTD (Electronic Recommendation to Drill), the well model was populated and the vendors built connectors proving the read/write ability to CDF. The vendors could perform analyses and calculations in their applications and send it back to CDF (see picture below).

In this pilot Neptune (@Anders Haavik  @Therese Rannem) paved the way for a new way of working, as it proved the possibility of a collaborative environment that reduces time in the well planning process, ensuring more reliable data sharing and data versioning. 

These types of new collaboration models can be challenging to realize, however, they’re vital to accelerate digital and reach the full value potential. Therefore, it is good to share these results as new collaborations are enabled and also to get feedback from you of opportunities/progress/challenges. Do you have similar experiences on enabling new collaboration models and seamless data sharing? 

  @Chris Campbell @Ashutosh Kumar @Marianne Tiutan 


1 reply

Amazing project execution - looking fwd to scale this!


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