Get a head start on delivering projects with Cognite Data Fusion in our new bootcamp

  • 4 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4

Would you like to develop an end-to-end, production-ready solution with Cognite Data Fusion? We have a new training for you!

The new Cognite Data Fusion Delivery Bootcamp is an intensive 5-day training program focusing on a complete deployment, combining the different steps with DevOps best practices from CDF bootstrapping to solution deployment, monitoring, and operations.

Each day explores a different step of the deployment:

  • Day 1: Configuring Cognite Data Fusion and the Azure Active Directory to set up access control.
  • Day 2: Data creating pipelines and integrating data into Cognite Data Fusion.
  • Day 3: Running integrations and calculations in Cognite Data Fusion.
  • Day 4: Transforming and contextualizing data.
  • Day 5: Unlocking the value of data and solving a use case by visualizing data.

You can now preregister for the bootcamp on Cognite Academy, where you will find the available dates and an information package.

Preregister for the bootcamp on Cognite Academy.

Learn more about the bootcamp here.

2 replies

Badge +3

Having worked my way through the CDF online training modules (most but not all), I found myself better informed but not confident I could actually use what I’d learned in earnest. Does this boot-camp provide more hands on application (with guidance as we go)?

If so then this could be something I’d want to engage with. is there a cost for the boot-camp?

When does it run? 

Do I need to do all 5 days concurrently or can I do day 1 and 2 one week, day three the next and then 4 and 5 on another wee? Sometimes committing 5 straight days is difficult,

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi James, 

Thanks for showing your interest in the Cognite Data Fusion Delivery Bootcamp.
We conduct the bootcamp  on different location and we have two upcoming bootcamp in June in Oslo and Huston another one in september Read more here. We encourage bootcamp participant to be in the training continuous for  5 days and to gain more knowledge and experience on CDF. 

The bootcamp is  chargeable , give details and hand-on experience on application with CDF experts from Cognite. 

Please do let us know if you have any other questions.

