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I realizd that when leveraging Cognite REVEAL in application development, can we not have Point Cloud/360 Images annd 3D in one REVEAL? Why do i have to select which one? is that not embedded within the same where i can turn on or off the Point Cloud or 360 Images?

Reveal supports adding 360 images, point clouds and CAD models together in one view. Simply call relevant methods in succession.


const viewer = new Cognite3DViewer(...);

const myCadModel = viewer.addModel(...); // Options for CAD model
const myPointCloudModel = viewer.addModel(...); // Options for Point Cloud model
const my360ImageSet = viewer.add360ImageSet(...); // Options for 360 images

// Note that if the different resources are not aligned,
// you can translate / rotate your models as such:

myCadModel.setModelTransformation(...); // Passing in any transformation you like


For more information, please see the following documentation:

360 Images:
