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Charts updates & new features (see post for video walkthrough)

  • 25 May 2022
  • 9 replies


Hello Charts Early Adopter Community,

There have been several new features and functionalities released lately, with some being released just today. I’ve recorded a video (below) to explain several of these core features in detail, namely – calculations running on individual data points, not aggregates.

You can also scroll down to read the written details.

Please do leave comments below with questions and feedback!


Charts UI/UX

  • Calculations are now running on individual data points, not aggregates

    • In the past, calculations have been running on time series aggregates. This meant that, although calculations were approximately calculations were often not correct his is a very important new feature that greatly increases the accuracy and trustworthiness of calculation results in Charts. Watch the above video or see the slides, below, for more info.
    • If you receive a warning that looks like this (see image, below), then it means that the results of the data has been downsampled to perform the calculation. The benefit of this approach is that calculation results are returned more quickly. It also helps us to ensure that our calculations backend will remain stable and not crash with, e.g. one person requesting trillions of data points for a calculation spanning over decades.
    • While downsampled calculation results are very good for quickly seeing trends and the overall shape of the data, it may not provide you with 100% accurate and precise results every time. If you zoom in to a shorter range of time (i.e. less data), then the warning will disappear once you are below the maximum threshold. If the warning does disappear, then it means you can trust the results of your calculation since it was performed on individual data points and not downsampled/aggregated data.
    • Are you seeing this warning for a calculation where you need to be seeing exact and precise results? Please do let us know and we’ll schedule a time to speak. We set this maximum limit relatively low so we can gather feedback from the community on whether/how much we should increase this limit to solve a use case you may be facing.
    • Please see the video recording (above) for an in-depth explanation with examples.
    • This change also includes many bug fixes and improvements to calculations, thanks to upgrading to the newest version of our calculations backend.
  • Filter search results by facility (root asset)

    • We’ve received feedback that most of you are only working on one specific facility (also known as, “root asset”) at a time. It's not often that you’re working across multiple facilities.
    • Therefore, we’ve added the option to filter by “Facility” in the filters menu, which will make it easier to find the equipment or time series tag that you’re looking for.
  • Thresholds on historical data

    • Thresholds provide a quick way to check whether a time series has crossed a given value while looking at historical data and for how long it was over this threshold. While the Threshold function is available in the no-code calculation builder (and InDSL), we received requests to build a more robust feature in the Charts UI.

    • This first version of a thresholds experience in Charts enables you to set thresholds for checking whether a time series or calculation is Above, Below, and Between any given values.

    • Next, we will be adding the functionality to clearly visualize these events on the chart plot when a time series or calculation crosses a given threshold (this will be a part of our work to enable you to add and visualize CDF events in Charts).

    • This feature is only meant for analyzing historical data – it’s not possible to set up a monitoring task and receive alerts based on one of these thresholds yet. However, this is something we are working on now with other product teams to deliver this functionality in the future.

      → Please give us feedback, especially if these added functionalities are important for you and your team.

  • Custom unit input field

    • We’ve received plenty of feedback requesting additional units to be added to the unit selection dropdown Charts UI.
    • While we are working with other product teams to add support for numerous industrial units of measure and unit conversions as a part of the CDF SDK and API, this is a longer initiative. This simple and quick change will at least unblock those of you who need to specify units that we don’t yet support in order to, e.g. merge y-axes of time series and calculations with the same unit.
  • The Charts UI is now available in Japanese; ready for internationalization

    • The Charts frontend is now fully translated into Japanese. We’ll be translating the UI to other languages in the coming months, starting with Norwegian.
      → Have a specific language you’d like to request? Comment below and let us know.

    • You will find the language settings by clicking your profile icon in the top right corner and choosing the Profile option.

      Please note: InDSL documentation (including the information text that is viewed in the Charts UI) is only available in English for the time being.

  • Plenty of bug fixes + quality improvements

InDSL (Industrial Data Science Library)

  • New functions added to the ”Equipment/Pumps” toolbox:
    → Thanks to @redzarosli and @morten.grønbech for creating these valuable functions for analyzing pump behavior based on the work they’re doing together with AkerBP.

    • Total head: Head is a measure of the potential of a liquid to reach a certain height. The head is essentially a unit of pressure. The total head is the difference in pressure of the discharge to the suction of the pump.
    • BEP from flowrate: This function calculates the flowrate relative to BEP as a percentage. i.e. 100% means the current flowrate is at the BEP, 110% means the current flowrate is 10% above BEP.
    • Pump Shaft Power: Pump shaft power is the input power delivered by the shaft. Pump shaft power can be calculated by dividing the pump hydraulic hp by the pump efficiency. Pump efficiency is a function of liquid flowrate. The pump efficiency curve is assumed to be a 2nd order polynomial. Therefore the input parameters of the curve are coefficients to x^2 and x and the y intercept of the curve.
    • Pump Hydraulic Horsepower: Pump hydraulic horsepower is the amount of energy per unit time delivered to the liquid. Pump hydraulic horsepower can be calculated if the liquid flowrate, total head across the pump, and density of the fluid.
    • **Recycle valve power loss: This calculation can be used where there is a recirculation line with a recycle valve whose purpose is to maintain a minimum flow through the pump. The calculation does not take into account the difference in pump efficiency at different flow rates. This is acceptable because pumps are usually sized to take into account extra flow due to recirculation.
    • **Volumetric flow through valve: This calculation can be used when there is no flow meter, but the pressure difference over the valve is known. The calculated flow rate is only exactly applicable for ideal fluids (incompressible and with zero viscosity).
  • New functions added to the ”Data Quality” toolbox:
    → Thanks to @Cristina Ferrer Teixidor and @saliha.sajid for creating several valuable functions for analyzing data quality, based on the work they’re doing together with AkerBP.

    • **Rolling standard deviation of time delta: Rolling standard deviation computed for the time deltas of the observations. The purpose of this metric is to measure the amount of variation or dispersion in the frequency of time series data points.
  • New functions added to the ”Filters” toolbox:

    • Trend / De-trend signal: Robust method to determine the trend of any non-linear and non-stationary time series based on the `Hilbert-Huang Transform and empirical mode decomposition (EMD). This is a mathematically complex method and not easy to document in detail. If you are interested in knowing more about it see following the list of resources:

      The EMD method decomposes a time series into a finite number of oscillatory components, each with a well defined frequency and amplitude. These are called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The process to identify IMFs is called sifting (i.e. filtering). The sift works by iteratively extracting oscillatory components from a signal. Starting from the fastest and through to the very slowest until the average envelope of the components is less than the sifting threshold.

      The number of components selected for building the main trend are selected using the cross energy ration between IMFs using the Hilbert-Huang transform to estimate the spectra. If the ratio is below a given energy tolerance threshold, the process stops and the selected IMFs are added together. That is the resulting main trend.

      As an output, it is possible to select either the trend of the main signal or the de-trended signal.

  • New examples in Gallery of Charts on InDSL documentation

    • Parameters of a centrifugal pump: Calculate pump parameters total head across the pump and difference from Best Efficiency Point (BEP) to current operating flowrate and power output of a centrifugal pump.


    • Relative uncertainty estimation: This example shows how to estimate the relative uncertainty of a non-linear, non-stationary signal using detrending. We generate a synthetic signal composed of:

      To make the case more realistic, from an industrial perspective, the timestamps are modified to make them nonuniform and 35% of the data points are randomly removed. Finally, Gaussian noise with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10db and 20db is are added to the left and right half of the data, respectively.

      The figure shows the synthetic signal with and without noise (top), and the estimated relative uncertainty (bottom). On the left half of the data, where the noise is large, the estimated relative uncertainty increases when the signal reaches close to 100%. On the right side half of the data, where the noise is small, the relative uncertainty remains closer to 0%.


      • Three oscillatory signals of different but significant amplitudes
      • Two polynomial functions or trends
      • Data drift
    • Identifying gaps in time series: Identifying gaps in data is critical when working with time series. Data gaps can be for instance, the result of an unreliable or defective sensor, and that part of the data might need to be excluded. The exact definition of what is considered a gap requires domain knowledge and is therefore hard to automate. However, mathematical tools can help us to identify potential gaps that the domain expert can then evaluate.

      In this example, we apply four common gap identification methods to two time series. The four methods are:

      1. Z-scores: marks a gap if the time step size exceeds 3x the standard deviation of the time steps.
      2. Modified Z-scores: a modified version of the Z-score method, which uses the median absolute deviation instead of the standard deviation.
      3. Interquartile range (IQR): Uses IQR, a measure for the spread of the data, to identify gaps.
      4. Timedelta threshold: marks a gap of the timedelta between points exceeds the threshold.

Hi, thanks for a great post! 

Especially like the threshold features in charts. 

I’m trying to detect events where a timeseries lies between thresholds. Look forward to have this in AIR as well. 

Is it  calculating based on aggregates, or individual datapoints?


FYI: @Kylie R @Brendan Buckbee @ibrahim.alsyed  

Checkout the lastest feature release of Cognite Charts!  Thank you for all your feedback and participation with our Charts team.  We appreciate you! 

Looks like some good features got implemented! We like being able to specify our units manually as a hotfix until the larger set of units and unit awareness is ready. Also the Equipment & Pumps calculations added from the InDSL are all very useful to us for troubleshooting & condition monitoring. More of these types of built in functions would be a plus on our end.

Thanks for the positive feedback @Håvard Knappskog!

The threshold calculations (total # of events and total time) are tied to the same upper limit as the calculations themselves. Meaning, if your calculations are run on individual data points, then so are the threshold calculations. But if you see the warning icon next to your calculation informing you that the calculation was run using downsampled data, then the threshold calculations are also based on aggregates. 

I’ll update the post above to include this info. 

@Eric Stein-Beldring - great post. Looking forward to seeing thresholds automatically set AIR alerts.

Any update on timing for annotations and users being able to collaborate on trends?

Great to see the pointwise calculations! This fixes a problem for us. Our source systems have hysteresis thresholds, so that the values do not update while staying the same. This resulted in highly inaccurate visualisations when forward-filling was done on aggregated vaules. With pointwise calculations I can do a ffill interpolation on the timeseries and it displays properly.

Would it be an idea to have the line display pointwise step-interpolated by default when “step interpolation” is chosen on the left side menu?


@rmaidla, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but thanks for the positive feedback. 

We (Charts + AIR teams) are also equally eager to connecting these functionalities together and providing thresholds for historical analysis and alerting. @Arun Arunachalam (product manager for AIR) and I talk about this multiple times a week. They’re in the middle of making significant improvements to their backend/API (scalability, stability, usability, etc.), and once that work is completed, the Charts team will be ready to leverage it to build this improved functionality.

Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to make further progress when it comes to users being able to annotate and collaborate on trends. This is still a high-value item on our roadmap, but for now, I’m not certain we’ll be able to deliver this in H2 2022. With that said, we will be working on the feature for displaying CDF events on a chart during the remainder of 2022, which is a UI/UX prerequisite for that annotating functionality. I’ll absolutely reach out to you once I can provide more concrete and specific information on this topic. 

@Kristian Nymoen that’s great to hear! You touched upon a very important point, which we’ve discussed at length within the team. The method used to visualize (time series) data has a significant impact on the trustworthiness and perception of that data. This article is one that discusses this theme in depth quite nicely, particularly when it comes to aggregation.

While Charts today has quite limited functionality in terms of visualizing time series data — only a simple line, which you (the person using it) can change the style of choose to visually represent using linear or step interpolation, and min/max bands that can be toggled on to show the range of data when aggregated — it will be a focus area for us going forward to add more robustness for visualizations and when they are used. While “simple lines” can and do provide a lot of value for industrial data analytics (obviously), there is plenty we can do to make this more valuable for different types of data and analysis. Adding this smartness between the functions within and output of a calculation ↔️ the most appropriate / required method for visualization will absolutely be a part of this focus.

For this case you mention, I suspect we’ll add a parameter about the output of this particular InDSL “Interpolation” function that establishes: “If the method ffill is used, then display the calculation output using step interpolation.” (For example...) 

Identifying that the one and only input to the calculation is a step time series and/or has been set to use that style of visualization and automatically pre-set the output interpolation to step  is another thing we want to do. 

So in short, it’s a great idea and we 100% agree with you! I’ve saved your feedback to this item in our roadmap and will be in touch if we need feedback or have updates to share about our progress.

Hi! I had a look at the new min/max functionality for calculated time series, which is really promising for our use cases. If we could get min max based on 10 years of data with the hourly granularity, we would be really happy. 

Our users typically looks at time series with 1h granularity the last ten years. The underlaying time series typically has datapoints every 10s. Based on the current configuration of Charts, the peak load the calculation I tested missed the 1h granularity peak load by about 20 percent, which is not satisfactory. The real maximim was 699 MW while the maximum in chart was 551 MW. I resampled to 1h granularity. It would be really interesting to look into whether we could close this gap. 
