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Learn Cognite 3D Model

Learn Cognite 3d model, focus object, fit camera, search assets highlight object etc..

27 replies

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  1. How to search object through assets ?
  2. How to focus object?


Userlevel 2
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How to use fitCameraToBoundingBox method? please share some info.

To focus at a clicked object in Reveal, you can do

  1. Get “Point intersection with the object” using Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel(offsetX, offsetY).
  2. Create a bounding box around intersection point like

    const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
    boundingBox.setFromCenterAndSize(intersection.point, new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1));
  3.  Use this bounding box in Cognite3DViewer.fitCameraToBoundingBox()
    viewer.fitCameraToBoundingBox(boundingBox, 250);


Userlevel 2

To focus at a clicked object in Reveal, you can do

  1. Get “Point intersection with the object” using Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel(offsetX, offsetY).
  2. Create a bounding box around intersection point like

    const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
    boundingBox.setFromCenterAndSize(intersection.point, new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1));
  3.  Use this bounding box in Cognite3DViewer.fitCameraToBoundingBox()
    viewer.fitCameraToBoundingBox(boundingBox, 250);


Note that rather than using bounding box directly from the CDF API, it’s recommended to use to get bounding box for a given node as this accounts for any transformation active on the model.

Userlevel 2
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thank you so mush, its working

Userlevel 2
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How to enable and disable mouse click event?


How to enable and disable mouse click event?


The documentation page you referred shows how to enable mouse click event “viewer.on(‘click’, callbackFn)”, to disable, unsubscribe the event using “‘click’, callbackFn)”

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how to apply 360ImageSet?


Hey, seems to be a small bug in our documentation. You need to await the viewer.add360ImageSet(...) method as it returns a promise.

Userlevel 2
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I add await but again error comming.

I add await but again error comming.

Can you confirm if 360 images are loaded?

Userlevel 2
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It return empty object.

I have 3d Model

I try to achieve add circle then click rotate camera.


I add await but again error comming.

Which version of Reveal are you using? Image360Collection.on(...) was recently introduced in Reveal 4.1.0.

Userlevel 2
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My version is  "@cognite/reveal": "^4.0.0",

My version is  "@cognite/reveal": "^4.0.0",

Ok, please update the dependency (as yarn.lock / npm.lock may still have 4.0.0 set).

Userlevel 2
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please share sample code.

please share sample code.

Documentation covering 360 images can be found here:

Userlevel 2
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1.what is site_id ? to find site_id?

1.what is site_id ? to find site_id?

Documentation about 360 images data is available at, you will find required details related to site_id & more about 360 image data

Userlevel 2
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Hi. Please share image uploaded site_id.

Userlevel 2

Unfortunately there are no 360 images available in the demo project currently.

Userlevel 2
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ok, thanks

Userlevel 2
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  1. I would like to know how an Asset id is connected to its respective 3D model 
  1. I would like to know how an Asset id is connected to its respective 3D model 

Details of CDF assets with 3D models is available in documentation at

Userlevel 2
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Assets API

3d Model API

I have assets id, The Assets id connected to its respective 3d model

Please share Which API I call.
