Cognite Charts: Highlight a TS when hovering over its y axis

Related products: Charts

With 15 time series in one Chart, it can get a bit difficult to keep control over which one is which, especially when I want to modify the y axes. The colors are very similar, and I need to try a few different ones before I find the correct TS. If the TS would be highlighted in some way, e.g. bold, when I hoved over its y axis, it becomes trivial to locate the correct axis.

Note that this issue is related to this one. If I could modify the axis by interacting directly with the TS, then this issue would disappear I suppose.



Anders Brakestad

This is something we’ve discussed in the team repeatedly. We know this is also a useful feature found in other charting tools and software. Absolutely a small, but valuable improvement we intend to make.

NewPlanned for development