Cognite Charts: Keyboard bindings for more efficient use

Related products: Charts

As a Data Scientist I want to visualize data efficiently so that I spend less time clicking and more time focusing on the data.

I really think Charts can benefit from some clever shortcuts and keyboard bindings. For example:

  • Currently I can zoom in on the y axis by by scrolling on the relevant axis, but I find that I often hide the y axis when I load multiple TSs. It would save me time and lot of clicking if I instead could hover over the TS in the tabular view, or just on the graphed TS itself, and then SHIFT+SCROLL to change the y axis. This way I can quickly manipulate the view for many time series, while having the full graph area available for the visualizing. With many TSs the axis area takes up a lot of space
  • I would also like to be able to shift the TS up and down by a similar keyboard binding. E.g. CTRL+DRAG to move the TS up or down in the plotting area.

I am sure there are a lot of possible keyboard bindings that will make the UX better. But at the simple cases above should be a good start. Perhaps someone can think of more here in the comments.



Anders Brakestad

Absolutely – we’ve discussed the need for added and improved keyboard shortcuts (including some of the ideas you’ve already written, above). All of these would make it much simpler and faster to interact with the chart and the data within it.

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