Cognite Industry Canvas - RedLining of Drawings

Related products: Industrial Canvas

The ability to do digital redlining in Industry Canvas would be a huge value add.

on p&Id red line markups

Hi @ibrahim.alsyed,


Could you give us more details on what you are envisioning? 




+1! We have used the Accusoft PrizmDoc viewer for other projects in our organization, and its ability to enable the user to create redlines (without modifying the source document) has been a much-praised feature.

Hi Andreea, today operations and engineers, export the drawing into visio so they can make red lines for changes such as adding a pipe or a valve etc. Some do it by printing and using red a pen to do a markup. I like the idea of accusoft Prismdoc or any other capability to allow in CDF without printing or exporting to visio.

Thanks for the details, makes sense.

Will look into it. I don’t have a timeline atm, but we will investigate a possible solution.


One more thing: After this process do you create a new version of the engineering diagram? 

the redlining typically is the first step for engineering and revision of drawings. Operators today do this with red pen and printed copy. We should enable it in the Canvas and then send it via API for MOC and other places for consumption and also keep it in CDF.

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