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Charts: Marker Placement on Timeseries

Related products: Charts

On behalf of a manufacturing expert.


As a user, I would like the ability to place markers/fixed data points along a time series trend. This feature will make troubleshooting easier as I will not have to jump back and forth along my time series trend looking for the specific data points that I am trying to compare and having to hover over just to see the information I need.

Hi, Benjamin. 

This is a great suggestion, and I understand the need to not having to move the cursor back and forth but set markers along the time series. 

We'll keep you posted on the development of this and might ask for your feedback on solution proposals. 

Knut Vidvei 

NewGathering Interest

@Knut Vidvei where does this feature stand?

Actually, it looks like this other request is the same: Cognite Hub

Hei marcela thanks again for the great request ! would this be the same as putting up a flag at a given point in the time series and seeing the current values at that point as well as annotating it as a event ? Something that is possible in other industry tools today like PI ?

This has been implemented and is now available in production.