Cognite AIR and Cognite Charts: Integrate Please

Related products: Charts

It would really make sense to integrate Cognite Charts and AIR into one UI/UX environment. It would also make sense to see AIR Alerts or Targets on Charts including notifications.

Ibrahim, stay tuned for some exciting developments in this direction later this year and into 2023. We completely agree with you that this makes a lot of sense, and are working towards this.

NewGathering Interest

Gathering InterestPlanned for development

Echoing what @terjelo wrote above, couldn’t agree with you more.

As I mentioned in your other feature request, we’ve begun working on the functionality for finding, filtering, and visualizing events in Charts, which is a prerequisite to displaying AIR alerts (or any other type of alert stored as a CDF event). Once I have concrete updates to share, I’ll be sure to do so here on Cognite Hub.