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The number of assets shown as linked to the file is not correct. The system is wrongly showing the number of assets linked in the file.

  • 20 March 2024
  • 3 replies

The number of assets shown as linked to the file is not correct. The system is wrongly showing the number of assets linked in the file.

And also Linked Asset to an asset count is wrong and same issue for linked files, linked time series, Linked events. These linked is different than directly linked items.


(A) Linked (Files): this count means all decedent children of a given asset.
(B) Directly linked (files): this count is the number of files that are connected directly to the asset.
(C) The file count on top: This count may vary since there might be duplicated IDs amongst the different types - the total number is a distinct value.


The linked assets are not relevant to the Asset which user try to refer and these Linked assets will not linked to the Asset.

Directly linked assets are linked to the assets which user try to refer.

User don't want to see linked asset tab in CDF because its doesn't have a meaningful assets linked to it, however Directly linked asset have meaningful tab and same can user refer, navigate.

To avoid confusion User want to navigate Directly linked Tab instead of Linked tab always.

Hi @Rani Supriya !
Apologies for your question slipping by us. 

Are you still experiencing an issue where the number of Linked (all, incl. the full subtrees of directly linked assets), Directly linked, Relationships and Annotations are not what you expect? 


Sofie Berge, product manager. 

Hi @Rani Supriya,

As of now, I’m closing this topic. Please feel free to create a new post if you have any questions. 


Could you please provide update regarding this issue.
I look forward to your response and assistance in resolving this issue.

Best Regards,

