Is there a way to round timestamps of the incoming OPC UA tags to second within the configuration file? I have gone through the documentation but haven't found anything like that. The problem is that for some tags coming from an OPC UA server I make some simple transformations and these tags are coming to CDF with timestamps at ms, whereas the other tags for which I do not apply any transformation on server side, are coming with timestamp at second. The issue I encounter is when I push the data from CDF to PowerBI and pivot the data and I get 2 rows for the same timestamp which PowerBI is displaying at second, 1 row with values for the tags without transformations and the other with the tags transformed which have timestamp in ms on CDF side. I just don't want to apply another query/transformation step to round the timestamp at second on PowerBI side and on CDF this timestamp rounding should be a scheduled transformation running every minute if not every second.