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I’m trying to pull energy usage data from a Rockwell power monitor that supports OPC-DA but not OPC-UA. I configured the OPC-DA server (rslinx classic in this case) and I’m able to see the live data using an OPC-DA client (Kepserver). Next I try running the extractor, and it sees the project structure and creates assets, but never creates any time series data. I’m seeing very little in the logs. I did notice that “contious: False” shows up, but I don’t see any way to change that via configuration. I will get a keep alive message as you can see in the second image, but no data. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.



Hi @gerard,

AFICT, OPC DA and OPC UA aren’t directly compatible, so I’d be a little surprised if our OPC UA extractor is able to reliably extract from a DA server to CDF, but stranger things have happened.

Will ask one of our extractor engineers with OPC UA expertise to take a look at your message and help me provide a better response.

Hi, this is the OPC Classic extractor, not the OPC UA extractor, which is fine. Could you provide us with the config file and full logs? It looks to me like the extractor simply didn’t find any tags in the hierarchy.

OIC. My bad! :)

I’ll ask Support to engage so we can track this issue and collect the required info for us to analyze.

@gerard I’ll create a support ticket for this. The support team will reach out to you.
