
How to write the unit test for the list row?

  • 1 November 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +6

Hi Team, 

I need help to write the unit test using pytest,

below is the code:

    row_list = cognite.raw.rows.list(file.destination.database, file.Extractor_Last_Run_Table, limit=-1,

                               columns=["key", "LastUpdatedDatetime"]).to_pandas()

    if not row_list.empty:

        val = list(row_list[row_list.index.isin([file.Extractor_key])]['LastUpdatedDatetime'])

Could you please help to write the unit test for above code?



Best answer by Nimesha 3 November 2023, 09:34

View original

4 replies

Hi Harshita,

Thank you for the questions. 

Let's create a simple example. Assume you have a module named with the following function:

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
c = CogniteClient()

def process_data(database, table, key):
row_list = c.raw.rows.list(database, table, limit=-1, columns=["key", "LastUpdatedDatetime"]).to_pandas()

if not row_list.empty:
val = list(row_list[row_list.index.isin([key])]['LastUpdatedDatetime'])
return val
return None

Now, you want to write a test for this function using pytest. Create a file named

import pytest
from data_processor import process_data
import pandas as pd
from unittest.mock import patch
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from cognite.client import CogniteClient

c = CogniteClient()

def mock_cognite_raw_rows_list():
c = MagicMock()
mock_response_data = {
"key": ["test_key"],
"LastUpdatedDatetime": ["2023-03-16T17:51:54Z"]
c.raw.rows.list.return_value.to_pandas.return_value = pd.DataFrame(mock_response_data)

# Call the mock function
row_list = c.raw.rows.list("test_db", "test_table", limit=5)

return row_list

def test_process_data(mock_cognite_raw_rows_list):
# Set up your test data
database = "test_db"
table = "test_table"
key = "test_key"

# Set up mock response from cognite.raw.rows.list
mock_response_data = {
"key": [key],
"LastUpdatedDatetime": ["2023-03-16T17:51:54Z"]
mock_cognite_raw_rows_list.return_value.to_pandas.return_value = pd.DataFrame(mock_response_data)

# Call your function
result = process_data(database, table, key)

# Assert the expected behavior
assert result == ["2023-03-16T17:51:54Z"]
columns=["key", "LastUpdatedDatetime"]

To run the test, open a terminal and run:


Make sure to install pytest and pytest-mock first:

pip install pytest pytest-mock

Make sure you have the cognite-sdk package installed:

pip install cognite-sdk

Please fine the document for the List rows in a table  here

Badge +6

Hi Nimesha, 

Thanks a lot for the code. I have tried the above code. 

I have small doubt. When I generate the coverage report the it’s showing the below line is miss,  can you help me how the list will be mock?

if not row_list.empty:

       val = list(row_list[row_list.index.isin([key])]['LastUpdatedDatetime'])



Sai Harshita

Hi Harshita,

Sure, please adjusted the code as shown below;

import pytest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pandas as pd
from cognite.client import CogniteClient

c = CogniteClient()

# Assuming you have a function process_data in your code
def process_data(database, table, key):
row_list = c.raw.rows.list(database, table, limit=-1, columns=["key", "LastUpdatedDatetime"]).to_pandas()

if not row_list.empty:
val = list(row_list[row_list.index.isin([key])]['LastUpdatedDatetime'])
return val
return None

# Assuming you have a CogniteClient class defined in your code
class CogniteClient:
def __init__(self):
self.raw = MagicMock()

# Your test function
async def test_your_function():
# Set up your test data
database = "your_database"
table = "your_table"
key = "your_key"

# Create a CogniteClient instance
c = CogniteClient()

# Set up the mock response for c.raw.rows.list
last_updated_datetime = "2023-03-16T17:51:54Z"

# Create a MagicMock for the list
mock_list = MagicMock()

# Set up the mock response for the list
mock_list.return_value = [{"key": "your_key", "LastUpdatedDatetime": last_updated_datetime}]

# Set the return value of to_pandas on the list
mock_list.to_pandas.return_value = pd.DataFrame(mock_list.return_value)

# Use patch to temporarily replace the method with the mock_list
with patch.object(c.raw.rows, 'list', return_value=mock_list):
# Call the function
result = process_data(database, table, key)

# Assert the expected behavior
assert result == ["2023-03-16T17:51:54Z"]

I have tested the above code with our test environment and able to passed the unit mock test. Please change the LastUpdatedDatetime, databasetablekey with your environment values. 


plugins: asyncio-0.21.0, cov-3.0.0, rerunfailures-11.1.2, xdist-3.2.1
asyncio: mode=strict
collected 1 item . [100%]

============================================================================================================ 1 passed in 12.33s ============================================================================================================


Badge +6

Thank you Nimesha it’s work for me.😀
