Below we have outlined several frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.
Don’t see the answer to your question? Post as a reply in this thread and we’ll be sure to answer and/or add it to the FAQ list below!
Protip: Use Ucmd+f] or cntrl+f] to search for keywords related to your question.
Be sure to also let us know what else we can help answer here in the comments below!
Q: What is the plans with Templates going forward?
Please check out the documentation here
Q: Will there be new features built on top of Templates?
Yes and no. We will not be doing any development of backend features (like new capabilities) into Templates. However, we will actually be building a lot of additional tooling on top of Templates (better UI, visualization layers, code generation, CLI etc.). Stay tuned in this Cognite Hub to see how you can use these tooling.