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Hello! We have worked on a new prototype experience with Templates.


Data model editor

We have heard feedback on the current editor UI and the lack of parity with the actual possibilities of the Data Modeling via Code. For example, there is no ability to add List, references to other custom declared types. This is all resolved via the new data model UI prototype. 


Data Model Visualization

Another common request is to visualize the data model as a "graph" or "relationships". We have created a new visualizer to show the data model as nodes with relationships to other types. Note this does not show the data within the data model (yet) and we would love to hear if you would like this feature.


Here is a Loom video to the prototype showing both features.

What's next?


We would love to hear if you would like to try out these features, given enough requests we may add this back to the Templates UI. Alternatively, we can also grant you access to a test CDF project you can use to try these features. 

So please let us know if this is useful to you by commenting below. Feel free to share any feedback as well!

Thanks for this great in depth explanation if your idea. The problem you describe is precisely why we are creating the data modeling capabilities with schema service. To be able to have a contract that an application can trust, and move the customization from the application layer to earlier in the data pipeline.

Your idea here with an Application A contract that is being used by multiple CDF projects is great and is something we are working towards now. 

I’ll keep you posted on updates in this area 🙂 Again, thanks a lot!

Really great update, @David Liu!  I am super impressed with the work that your team has been doing. 

One thing I am still a bit confused about is how the Template functionality stays in sync with existing String, Long, and Double fields that are in the metadata of existing CDF data model types like assets or events.  The impedance mismatch I am seeing is that while CDF pulls data together to be able to query in one place, the shape of the data can vary wildly across different CDF projects or sometimes within the same CDF project when it comes to the metadata fields.  Much like how the RAW data can be in any shape, the metadata fields on the CDF data model cannot be expected to fulfill any type of contract that an application layer needs as key names are not standardized (Ex: variation in casing, naming. units, and level of nesting of keys: OrificePlateDiameter vs orifice_plate_diameter vs orifice_plate_diameter_inches vs orifice_plate_diameter_centimeters).

That is why I am very hopeful about what is to come with the “Schema Service” that will be replacing Templates.  


I would like application vendors to be able to publish their own data model specification/contract to a library with in CDF.  Then users of CDF projects could select which application data models that they would like to map to with their unique set of data unfurled from the metadata fields.  This would hopefully be a one-time configuration at CDF project setup, not something that takes continual maintenance and manually associated with entities from the CDF data model.


As an example, Application A may specify the following data requirements (simplified):

type OrificeMeter @template {
id: String
  orificePlateOuterDiameterIn: Long
  orificePlateInnerDiameterIn: Long
isTapUpstream: Bool
differentialPressureKpa: TimeSeries
pressureKpa: TimeSeries
temperatureCelsius: TimeSeries

User of CDF Project B says, I’d really like to use Application A.  Let me map my CDF Data Model to this contract so that I can start using Application A.   

Project B Asset entities have properties which map to Application A contract:

OrificeMeter => CDF Asset

  • id = Asset.Id
  • orificePlateOuterDiameterIn = Asset.Metadata.OrificePlate.OuterDiameterCm/2.54
  • orificePlateOuterDiameterIn = Asset.Metadata.OrificePlate.InnerDiameterCm/2.54
  • isTapUpstream = Asset.Metadata.TapLocation == “Upstream”
  • differentialPressureKpa = SyntheticTimeSeries(convert Psi to Kpa) with some selection criteria

WHERE Asset.Metadata.AssetType == “orifice_meter”

After this initial mapping is setup Application A can read it’s native data model directly from CDF Project B.  All new OrificeMeters that appear are available as they fit the “WHERE”  clause.


Next, CDF Project C user says… I heard Project B is using Application A.  We should use it too… but we prefer to have single letter abbreviations for all our properties in our CDF data model metadata so less bits have to be transmitted on an HTTP request.

Project C Asset entities have properties which map to Application A contract:

OrificeMeter => CDF Asset

  • id = Asset.Id
  • orificePlateOuterDiameterIn = Asset.Metadata.opOdIn
  • orificePlateOuterDiameterIn = Asset.Metadata.opIdIn
  • isTapUpstream = == 1
  • differentialPressureKpa = SyntheticTimeSeries(convert Psi to Kpa) with some more obscure selection criteria

WHERE == 27 (of course 27 stands for orifice meter. Project C users think this is obvious.)


Now, even though Project B and Project C both have unique data model shapes in their CDF instances, they are both able to utilize Application A.  All it took was some initial mapping setup.

That is my vision of what is possible.  I’m really hopeful of what’s to come.  Thanks!
