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How can i connect to CDF, using Alteryx ETL tool.

Is there any documentation available?


This isn't something we've really looked at, and we have no official guidelines for this source system. From reading the documentation it looks like there may be ways to develop custom plugins, but this isn't something we are able to help much with.

Here’s the alteryx SDK:

Here’s the cognite SDK:

You may be able to use these together to build a custom connector.

Hi Einar Omang,

As per Cognite recommended documentation, we are using the postgres gateway where it is  the recommended way to connect from an ETL.

However ever after following the documentation, we are unable to establish  connection using the raw database name.

can you help here.



Harsha Vardhan.

What have you tried, and how is it failing?

Hi Omang,


We are trying to write data to CDF using Alteryx ETL tool.

Although direct support/connector is not available. Cognite documentation says we can use PostgreSQL gateway setup Setup and administration | Cognite Documentation .This says , you can connect from any ETL tool which provides PostgreSQL Interface .Alteryx has this PostgreSQL capability.

So, we have setup the same steps & tried to write data from Alteryx.  we are unable to establish  connection using the raw database name.


I understand that, but what, exactly, did you do, and how is it going wrong.

Hi Omang,

We have followed the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the documentation .

After doing all these, we were not able to establish connection to CDF.

Hi @Kumar Varaganti Sharath, would you mind elaborating at which step things stop working? Have you succesfully completed the first 4 steps without running into issues? Or are you already seeing errors there? A little more detail on what errors you are getting, where things go wrong will help us to better help you. 
