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Hello everyone,

I was curious if anyone has leveraged Cognite AIR (Automated Identification and Reporting) in a way where alerts could be triggered off of other alerts? If so, how has this been done?

I’d like for this to be a core feature of AIR where you can build a workflow from a visual canvas (similar to the charts function builder) and say “If this alert is triggered, check if this other alert has been triggered also” and so on. This would allow for setting up “offline conditions” so we don’t see all anomaly alerts or threshold alerts unless we can confirm the equipment is running, or even automate root cause investigations. 

Currently if I build an alert, I’m getting too many “false positives” of sorts that I’d like to filter out. Any input is welcome. 

Thank you,

Richard Maidla (Hess Corporation)

@Arun Arunachalam 

Hi @rmaidla thanks again for the great question and i apologize for the delayed response on my part. So every event that has been generated is written to Cognite Data Fusion as an alert event. So you could technically create alerts on past occurring events but not on current ones since they are still to be processed if that makes sense 🙂. But I would love for the use case to be clarified a bit more so I could potentially provide some solutions.
