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Asset which linked to Timeseries or visa versa filtering option is not available in Data Explorer screen in CDF

  • 21 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Asset which linked to Timeseries or vice versa filtering option is not available in Data Explorer screen in CDF

And Also, Asset linked to Event or vice versa event linked to Asset Filtering option is not available in Data Explorer screen in CDF.

Also, Files to Events or Events to Files etc.

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @Rani Supriya,

In the Data Explorer, there are several tabs that allow you to access different types of information. These tabs include assets, time series, files, events, and sequences. If there's anything specific you'd like to know about these tabs, or if I've misunderstood your question, please let me know.



Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @Rani Supriya,

We are following up to see whether you're satisfied with the responses you've received?


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @Rani Supriya,

I hope the issue has been resolved. I'm closing this topic for now. Please feel free to start a new post if you have any questions. 
