Major release

Cognite Data Fusion - July 2020 update

Related products: Product Releases

June has been an exciting month in Cognite with several large improvements and quality-of-life enhancements.


New and improved Cognite Data Source for Grafana

Grafana is a flexible and powerful dashboarding tool, where anyone can easily create any desired dashboard for real-time data.

We’re launching a new Cognite Data Source for Grafana that runs on our API v1, so that you can take advantage of all the latest product features in your dashboards. Read more about the latest changes in our blog post or jump straight to the documentation to learn how to create awesome dashboards on Fusion.

Synthetic time series

As a developer, you know that end users typically care about combinations of different time series. We’re now releasing synthetic time series, so that you can let Cognite Data Fusion handle some of the time series wrangling for you and easily combine time series data, constants, and operators to produce the data that you need. Learn more in our documentation.

Explore data using domain terms

We've made it even easier for data consumers to work with data, by letting you explore data using your familiar domain language. IT and data engineers provide this improved experience for data consumers by defining, managing, and applying labels to data. Learn more in our blog post.

Additional quality-of-life enhancements

Check which types and subtypes of events are available, and how many events you have of each type, in a simple API call. See our event aggregation section in the API docs.

Extending support for CDF API 0.5

We are extending support for API 0.5 until 30th September 2020, in order to provide dashboard creators using Cognite Data Source for Grafana (1.x) with additional time to upgrade to the new version of the connector.

Up-to-date information about supported versions and deprecations is available at API versioning.

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