Cognite Data Fusion - Introducing labels

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Cognite Data Fusion lets you fuse industrial data from multiple sources, making it easy to build applications using industrial data. Now end users of applications can easily search and browse for data using terms that they know with our release of labels.

With labels you as an IT manager or data engineer can create a predefined set of managed terms that you can use to annotate and group assets.

You can organize the labels in a way that makes sense in your business and use the labels to make it easier to find what you want.

  • For example, you can create a label called pump and apply it to all asset resources that represent pumps, and then filter assets to see only pumps.
  • Labels lets you annotate assets by what they are, in terms more familiar to domain experts, than what is present in the source system.

Labels are available through:

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I really like that domain experts can just use their own terms now when working with data from CDF.