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When we are selecting different date range, the granularity is changing for different number of days selection. 

For 2 days - 3min; For 3 days - 5min.

Can we get access to any document how this pattern is designed. 

Hi @VamsiGrandhi,

As of now, I will close this thread. If you have any questions, please feel free to add a comment.


Hi @VamsiGrandhi,

We are following up to see whether you're satisfied with the responses you've received.

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 Best regards,

Hi, Vamsi.

Thank you for raising the question. The default mode for Charts is to fetch the data using an automatic granularity calculation based on the number of datapoints that is requested when you select a time frame. It is not locked to how many minutes, days, weeks or years you are looking at, but how many data points it will load.

The logic aims to load as much representative data as possible, while still optimizing for performance in the front end so you can easily move between different time scales with high performance. If possible it will load all the raw data points, and you will see the line plot add dots where there are data points when this transition happens.

We have been looking into ways for the user to control the granularity for each time series individually, but the current state is that this is set to “best fit” by the application.

Let us know your thoughts and your usage patterns you want to achieve.


Best regards, Knut

Hi @Dilini Fernando ,

I have understanding on the aggregates and granularity. 

My concern here is, when using the cognite charts, i was checking the list API in inspect. For different number of days selected the granularity is different. like 3min,5min,6min How this logic is build?

Please help me with proper document or understanding on this logic.


Thanks & Regards, 

Vamsi Grandhi

Hi @VamsiGrandhi,

Thank you for your question. Our documentation explains aggregates and granularity. Let me know if it helps.

Best regards,

