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Have been having issues with Cognite Charts since it’s been merged into CDF. Whenever I try to go to charts, I have to clear the cache in my browser for it to work, otherwise it doesn’t load. This is a small nuisance that can prevent people from adopting the use of Charts as their daily tool.

Hello, Richard.

Thank you for reporting this. You should not need to clear your cache to load here. 

Let us investigate and reach out directly to fix this nuisance.


Best regards


Hi, @rmaidla 

Quick question, do you have to clear cache every single time or once in a while? 



@Knut Vidvei , We have also seen this issue with Charts, once in a while.

@rsiddha thank you for adding your experience here. We have someone looking into this and will get back once we know more. 


Closing this thread with this comment because user was not able to reproduce. Please report again if the issue appears!
