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The navigation around a busy canvas is awkward. For example having to switch from Select mode to Grab mode to move around is not intuitive. Relatedly, when in grab mode and you hover over a chart for example, you would expect to be able to click the chart and then interact with it. You cannot. You must switch to select mode to do that.

I suggest that if the mouse is in “white space” then grab mode is in effect by default. If the mouse is over an object then it should switch to select mode automatically.


Hey, thank you for the feedback. I can relate the frustration, but we might have some solutions for you already.

I am also using Canvas with mouse and we provide some shortcuts for some of the use cases you’ve mentioned.

Actually, you can always stay on ‘Select’ mode. When you want to move around just use right mouse button or press ‘Spacebar’ key from your keyboard and use your left mouse button to navigate your canvas. Then, when you want to select something from your canvas you can just do it since you were always in  ‘Select’ mode.

Additionally, if you want to zoom to a specific area, point there with your cursor first, then click command  key (or ctrl key if your on Windows) and just scroll.

Please let us know if those were helpful, and in the meantime we will consider how we could’ve made those feature more visible.
