Visual representation of extractor health and diagnostics

Related products: Extractors

In use cases where CDF is being rolled out with multiple data sources for a number of operating locations, there is a need for better extractor health and diagnostics monitoring for e.g. like a heat map. Having the functionality where admin/support personnel for different sites can quickly identify the root cause of data issues in CDF would be of benefit. Users should have a GUI display in CDF, where they are able to quickly identify a data issue, drill down and generate the list of extractor error messages and alerts, in a chronological order based on user selected/configurable choices of operating sites, set of data sources/extractors etc. etc.

Thank you for sharing one more your insightful reflection, Ramarao! 

We greatly appreciate your contribution and stay tuned for updates on how we plan to proceed.

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Hi all, just to let you know this idea has been merged into this one, so we’ll go ahead and park this one :)


Gathering InterestParked

@rsiddha FYI