Multi-select option for the Check Items buttons on the Checklist execution

Related products: InField

There are cases on the checklist tasks execution that technicians and operators need to select more than one option from the Check Items buttons created. For example, we could have multitple reasons for a task be ‘Not Ok’. But currently, the users can only select one button from the Check Items created. Check the example below:

All the options are ‘Not Ok’ and in this example, it could be one or the 4 options. 
We may consider use a ‘Message’ field, but it’s not the ideal because users can insert anything on the Reply field.

Hi Bruno!

Thank you for suggesting this product idea. We will follow the traction this idea gets in the community. You can expect updates on this post if decide to include this in our future roadmap, or if we require more information.

- Marius

Hi @Bruno Muniz Nicacio - thanks for reaching out. 

As we briefly discussed in our call, one way to solve this use case is to add multiple “check item” to the task. See my example in the screenshots below. Does this solve your need? 
