Make Infield Sections collapsible from bottom of list as well as from the top

Related products: InField

After inputting data in a section with a lot of line items, you must scroll back to the top to collapse the section.

If there were a collapse button at the top and bottom of the sections, this would save time in the scrolling back through longer sections.  This could be used in other checklists and or procedures as well.  I created an example below with just a copy of the header at the bottom of the section.


NewGathering Interest

Thanks @Hud ! This resonates well with the usability in navigating checklists that we discussed this week,  we’ll bring it back to the team. 

Great meeting you this week btw. 


Any updates on this one @Anita Hæhre ? I noticed this is still relevant for InField 2.0.

Hi @Marcela Young - has this need re-surfaced when testing out InField 2.0? 


We discussed internally with Ram and agree this is a high priority for Celanese.