Maintain 2.0: Notification and Work Order Attachments

Related products: Maintain

On behalf of Celanese Maintain super users:

I would like the ability to see attachments at the notification and work order level in Maintain. In the current process, it is common for supporting documentation such as red-lines or images to be assigned at the notification and the work order. These attachments would need to be made available in Maintain to support the work package builds using canvas. This would help in preventing the need to jump between two different data sources. 

@Marius Biermann 

Thanks for logging this @crgomez13! Supporting planners with easy access to relevant context to create high quality plans is in scope, and this specific ask is on the roadmap. 

Thanks for sharing @crgomez13. I’ll move this to Product Ideas, allowing other community members to upvote and share their thoughts on the topic. 

NewGathering Interest

Gathering InterestPlanned for development