Infield 2.0: Date and time stamps with checklists

Related products: InField

Infield Users (especially approvers and team leaders) want to see date/time stamp information for completed checklists with Infield 2.0. With Infield 1.0 the released checklists have date attached in the file name, which was helpful. Can we add this detail for Infield 2.0 too?

Thank you for sharing one more your insightful reflection, Ramarao! 

We greatly appreciate your contribution and stay tuned for updates on how we plan to proceed.

It seems this request may be related to the request below. May be best to consolidate.


Hi! I think there are multiple version of this feature request, but having a “date” field on the checklist will be available in the next release. 



Hi @rsiddha - this is now available in InField. 

