Improved navigation of 360 images in Data Explorer

Related products: Search and Data Exploration

Currently, I will need to use the mouse to select next 360 image in a selection. (Point at white circle and left mouse click).

This is cumbersome if you are working on a laptop. Can you make it possible to navigate using the keyboard arrow keys, similar to how it is done in Google street view?

Hi Sverre.

Thank you for highlighting a product improvement! We are looking into improved navigation in 3D data as we speak, improvements will be released in January and March. I will add this as input on the improved navigation in 360 images. Unsure where in the pipeline this is at the moment, but will keep you posted on progress. 


NewGathering Interest

After testing this we did not find a good way of finding what 360 image to jump to by using the arrow keys as the images has no direct relation to each other, including hight direction. Though, we will improve the 360 navigation, and some improvements is on its way.