Grafana data source: time series endpoint for global variables

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Hi, I’d like to be able to use the timeseries/list endpoint for global variables using the Grafana data source (not just assets). Any plans for developing this?

Hi @Kristian Nymoen you can do this already. This page should point you in the right direction:

Thanks @Ben Petree. I’ve followed this approach, but only get it to work with assets. 

The help text in the variable query editor says that the assets/list endpoint is used: 

I would assume that if timeseries could be used, something like ts{assetIds=[123]} would have worked, but it returns a syntax error.

Sorry if I’m missing something here.

Hi @Kristian Nymoen  It looks like you are right, it isn’t possible to create a variable in Grafana that searches TimeSeries. It looks like it only uses the assets/list endpoint. Sorry for my earlier response, I should’ve double checked before I replied. I agree that the Grafana Data Source connector should definitely allow variables from all resources so you can quickly switch between Timeseries.