Geolocations for timeseries in Data Modeling

Related products: Data Modeling

Hello community members!

In the upcoming fall of 2023, we are planning to introduce geolocation and geography data models to our Data Modeling service. One of the potential applications of this feature is the integration of geolocation data with our Timeseries model. This combination will allow the creation of a powerful TimeSeriesWithGeoLocation model, enabling our users to analyze time-dependent data in conjunction with geographical information. 
We would also like to acknowledge and thank @Kristian Nymoen for inspiring this idea with this post.

We'd love to hear from you:

  1. How do you envision utilizing geolocation and geography data models in your projects?
  2. What specific functionalities or features would you like to see in the TimeSeriesWithGeoLocation model?
  3. Are there any challenges or concerns you foresee with the implementation of this feature?

@Thomas Sjølshagen @AasmundEldhuset 

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